Limousine Tacoma Frequently Asked Questions

This page is a compilation of some helpful questions and answers that the Limousine Tacoma operators often encounter. Some of the questions here, are queries that we get on a daily basis! In order to make you search and decision on a limo carrier in the Tacoma Washington area much easier, we've decided to include these questions here on our website. Keep in mind, this is far from a comprehensive list of questions and answers, so chances are very good that you may not find your particular question answered here. If not, don't worry! Just because we put these questions here, doesn't mean we don't want to hear from you in the instance that your question is not published. In fact, we'd be more concerned if the question went unanswered altogether!

So, with that in mind, we cordially invite you to give us a call at 253-343-1996 for any questions you might have. We are always happy to hear from you!


When you book a limo with Limousine Tacoma, you receive quality no matter the special event or circumstance of rental. The limo that you can come and see in person is the limo that will arrive at your first pick up location, and that is what sets us apart from many of the other companies in the area, so be sure to come check one out.


You'll receive the best service we can possibly give from the first moment that you contact us for a rental until the final moment you leave our exquisite limousine. Each member of our staff is thoroughly knowledgeable about what goes on here, and this is what makes us so easy to choose!


There is. We require a six hour minimum rental for all evening limo service. There are special occasions where we do allow for less time. Call us with details about your event and we'll let you know the minimum set of hours right away!

Unfortunately the number of passengers listed on the website is not just a suggestion, it is the law. We have to abide by the department of transportation standards. As a transportation service, this is very important to us.

Of course not. You pay an hourly rate and that's final. Your rate includes all stops, all wait time, and everything from pickup to drop off.

No. The clock begins at the scheduled time that we agreed to as the time of booking. It's your responsibility to have your party ready to board the limousine at the schedule time in order to make sure that you arrive on time.

If something unexpected comes up and you find that you need more hours added on to the end of your rate that's okay. Just let your driver know and he or she will make the appropriate accommodations for you and your group.

Our overtime rate is exactly the same as the hourly rate that you previous agreed to. It is billed in 15 minute increments so that you do not end up paying for more than you use


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